Anthony Lynch

Anthony is a part-time philosophy master’s student and created In-Between Lines – a decolonial project exploring the stories of those with complex identities i.e. individuals who are a part of two cultures, races, or families. After touring the south of England with a self-produced display of workshops he now works part-time with the charity Coram, in preparation of its independent launch.

Among his advocacy work, Anthony lends his lived experience to consulting on mental health, identity, and adoption for organisations such as Mind and the University of Sussex.

In his career, he is interested in uplifting marginalised voices to tell their own stories and hopes to work in the self-help space, especially for male POC, and further develop his public speaking skills.

Anthony is a fa of Sci-Fi, bass guitar, and a beginner watercolour painter.

  • Name

    Anthony Lynch

  • Programme
    Creativity Works: Digital Content 
  • Connect with Anthony Lynch