DaeJean Paul Samuels

DaeJean Samuels is an Artist, Music-Lover and Spiritualist. A year out of University is what made him so eager to get into the creative world and find his feet. He has just finished his second year and is taking a break to surround himself in environments that appreciate him as a creative and everything he have to offer to the creative industry. DaeJean is an artist firstly, and he always sees the beauty in creative work, particularly abstract art and photography.

He is interested in STEP as it will give him the opportunity to expose himself to many creatives across East London and the chance to create a community and network with everyone involved in this programme. His passion is to inspire communities through his artistic mindset to free their minds and channel their inner peace. He believes working at Bow Arts will definitely give him the opportunity to understand various styles of artistic expression and be a part of a community exhibition.

  • Name

    DaeJean Paul Samuels

  • Programme
    STEP 8
  • Connect with DaeJean Paul Samuels