Racharne Edmondson 

Racharne is a music producer and basketball enthusiast from East London. With a passion for pushing creative boundaries, she endeavours to challenge the expectations of music sonically and experientially. Utilising her experience A&R scouting for promoter Amigas Live and DJing, she aspires to be able to curate her own music events whilst continuing to work on producing for artists of various genres and release her own projects.

Given the project-based nature of the things she does, she is looking forward to furthering her project management skills during her time with the BBC Learning and Engagement Team. Alongside this, working to increase accessibility and diversity in music is an important component of work she will be doing and something she is passionate about encouraging. As someone who was able to gain so much from being involved in music projects from a young age, having the ability to support the cultural enhancement and wellbeing of her local community through music is both important and meaningful to her.

  • Name

    Racharne Edmondson

  • Programme
    STEP 5